Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tips bercuti ke PARIS


I'm in Paris, Brussels, London and Amsterdam!
Enjoy my photos!!

ini fun-fair-jigsaw nie dekat dengan Eiffel Tower

with my love in Paris!
Actually I x penah terpikir nak ke Paris this year.. Ingat nak buat Europe Tour nextyear. Sebab keje punye pasal so terpaksalah pegi.. We went there in Dec 2011 (my first trip) and early Feb 2012 (hahaa second trip!)
Dua-dua trips memang sejuk.. from -4'C to 10'C.. 

I went for souvenirs shopping and my hubby jaga anak yg lena tido..

LV kat sini macam kita shopping kat MV gitu.. ramai giler orang! walaupon sale but still RM2k above =)

In Malaysia we have JPO.. kat Paris dah lama dah.. 'La Valle Village'
Amat murah OK! Dun forget to come here when you're in Paris. Very easy to get here.. naik train mcm LRT jer..

As usual lah.. my hubby punya fav shop! To buy us the HRC Tshirts!
OK.. next my trip to Brussels..London..Amsterdam..


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